miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Managing diversity + Religion

Managing Diversity
A group is an assemblage of persons or objects gathered or located together or two or more figures that make up a unit or design. 

Regarding this definition, groups are not easy to handle and lead, and when it comes to groups; diversity shows up.

Diversity is the variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined employment or market setting, in which groups made up of diverse personnel do a better job of analyzing and attacking problems.
Valuing diversity means recognizing and appreciating that individuals are different, that diversity is an advantage if it is valued and well managed, and that diversity is not to be simply tolerated but encouraged, supported and nurtured. 

Diversity must be managed is certain way that could build and structure a set of established environments that provides the integrants the confidence and comfort to reach a goal, using each individual’s capacities.
By building standardization inside the organization internal workforce competition can be reduced and focus on what it is really important and relevant.

Religion and organizations

Religion is clearly beliefs and rituals shared and concerned for a culture group, therefore It is a determinant factor of culture actions and behaviors, not only in moral or ethic approaches, but more important in business and organizations. So that, the organizational actions and activities can be approved or not by religion concepts.


Since diversity is a source of competitive advantage, what could be the recruitment strategies to effectively target to diverse groups? What would be the consequences of ignoring diversity?

First of all, the creation of a comfort environment is necessary; this probably would give the people an organizational culture and mode to operate and act inside the organization and avoid bringing out each individual identity. Of course people can avoid or forget during some work time their culture and behavioral roots, but which is important is to achieve strategies that ease off the working environment. 

And to just not ignore diversity, leaders must realize the possible implications in the processes and outcomes of a organization due to this error. Organizations require the individuals’ values and particular capacities, but also demand a control over those aspects to reach a strong and well structure organizational structure and goals.

1) Images Retrieved from google images
2) video source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhj_sGuCveo&feature=related
3) Slater, Stanley F., Weigand, Robert A., Zweilein, Thomas J., 2008. “The business case for commitment to diversity” Business Horizons 51: 201-209 
4) Thomas, David A., 2004. “Diversity as Stratefy”, Harvard Business Review, September 2004, 98-108 
5) Hartman, L and Werhane, P. 2009. The global Corporation: Sustainable, Effective and Ethical Practices –a case book. Rotledge, New York. Chapter 5, p 168-181. Islamic Banking and Finance.

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